Wednesday 4 September 2024

The Black Widow (1978) Bill Harrington & Jaime Rumeu - Compiled by A. Wallace

   The Black Widow    

 Written by  Bill Harrington  (Uncomfirmed) , Drawn by Jaime Rumeu 

Misty  No. 20 (June 17th, 1978)   /  Misty  No. 33 (September 16th, 1978) 

Episodes: 14

Black Widow summons the spiders to her. In science class Sadie drops spider she is given to hold, as scared of them and that night sees meteor shower, goes out to investigate and treads on one in tube, takes to teacher to identify and overnight it grows double in size.

[Opening splash page of face glaring out at us in middle of web.] Mysterious woman arrives at school advising against ill treatment of animals and offering five pounds for any spider they can bring her. Freda (arriving late) decides to take spider to sell to her, Sadie catches her and goes with her to lady’s house as can’t get it off her, when they arrive are trapped in giant web... 

Translations/Reprints:  There is no

56 pages + 1 cover

 Material from Misty 

Compiled by A. Wallace

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