Sunday 1 September 2024


Baron Münchhausen (born May 11, 1720, Bodenwerder, Hanover [Germany]—died February 22, 1797, Bodenwerder) was a Hanoverian storyteller, some of whose tales were the basis for the collection The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

Münchhausen served with the Russian army against the Turks and retired to his estates as a country gentleman in 1760. He became famous throughout Hanover as a raconteur of extraordinary tales about his life as a soldier, hunter, and sportsman. A collection of such tales appeared in Vademecum für lustige Leute (1781–83; “Manual for Merry People”), all of them attributed to the baron, though several can be traced to much earlier sources.

Münchhausen, however, was launched as a “type” of tall-story teller by Rudolf Erich Raspe, who used the earlier stories as basic material for a small volume published (anonymously) in London in 1785 under the title Baron Munchausen’s Narrative of His Marvellous Travels and Campaigns in Russia. Gottfried August Bürger freely translated Raspe’s volume back into German in 1786, and it was Bürger’s edition that became the most widely known in German. Later and much enlarged editions, none of them having much to do with the historical Baron Münchhausen, became widely known and popular in many languages. They are generally known in English as The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

Jens Terje offers us the following files:

Adventures of Baron Munchausen 001-004 (1989) 
Appie Happie, Kranten Strips - VOS! - De Baron Van Bayern Múnchhausen [Dutch NP, 1982]
Aventuras del Barón de Munchhausen [1977] A. Breccia 
Chiqui de la Fuente 09 - El barón de Munchausen [Spain, 1977]
Chiqui de la Fuente 10 - El barón de Munchausen [Spain, 1977]
Chiqui de la Fuente 11 - El barón de Munchausen [Spain, 1984]
Classics Ilustrated - World Around Us #31 - Hunting [Article).
Classics Ilustrated UK 146 - Adventures of Baron Munchausen (2012) (Dell4c-AgentUup)
De Avonturen Van De Baron Van Munchhausen, Toppers In Strip - 57 (Dutch, 1975)
Donald Duck - Von Munchhausen 01 - 02 [2013, Orig. 1958].
Donald Duck #10 2022 (Baron von Dumsausen’, Norwegian)
Donald Duck #30 2018 (‘Et snev av Múnchhausen' Norwegian)
Gustave Doré's Múnchhausen illustrations
| Classici della Letteratura Disney - 10 - Paperino di Munchhausen (RCS 2006) 
Instauration Magazine, 1989-07 - Karl Friedrich Hieronymus von Múnchhausen
Joyas Literarias Juveniles 146 - Aventuras del Baron Munchhausen 
Kalle Anka & Co - 08 mars 2022 [Baron Münchhausen]
Les aventures du  baron Munchausen (De la Fuente-Cornejo  Pif 709)
Les Aventures oubliées du baron de Münchhausen 001, Les Orientales (2006, Olivier Supiot] (French)
Les Aventures oubliées du baron de Münchhausen 002, Les Amériques [2007, Olivier Supiot](French)
Losstaande Albums 05 Van Chiqui De La Fuente - De Baron Van Minchhausen [Holland, 1978]
Martin Mystère 344 - Il Barone Di Munchausen (Sbe 2016-04)
Martin Mystere 344 - Il Barone Di Munchausen  (Bonelli 2016-04)  (Colorazione by Roy)
Münchhausen (2016) (Carlsen) [German] (digital) (Lym-Empire).cbr
Raspe, Rudolf Erich - Baron von Münchhausens vidunderige historier og eventyr 
[Complete stories in Norwegan wit Doré' illustrations]
Tesoro de Cuentos a todo color, El Barón de la castaña (1978) 
The adventures of Baron Munchausen (1867, illustrated by Gustave Doré)
The Surprising Adventures of Baron Munchausen by Rudolph Erich Raspe (2014)
Walt Disneys Serier #17 1965 - Kalle Anka och Múnchhausen (Orig. 1958) [Swedish].

There are 34 issues in different languages: English, Spanish, French, Swedish,
 Norwegian, Italian, German, Dutch...

We thank Jens Terje for this generous contribution


  1. Great idea! Many thank yous!

  2. A wonderful compilation of an unusual and tremendously funny, satirical and borderless character.

    I am a big fan of Terry Gilliam's 'Adventures of Baron Munchausen' film, which was made without the aid of computer graphics: Creativity overflows in each of its scenes and surprises with its visual elegance, leaving the viewer with the notion that Kubrik was not the only cinematographic genius. I didn't know that the film had its comix version: It is a very pleasant surprise for the collector.

    Many thanks, Jens Terje, for this great contribution to OFC.

    I'll put Drako in it 🐲.


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