The Sentinels
Written by Malcolm Shaw , Drawn by Mario Capaldi
Misty No. 01 (February 4th, 1978) / Misty No. 12 (April 22nd, 1978)
Episodes: 12
Dramatic start: Jan scares off kids trying to force Julie into a deserted building: one of the Sentinels. Her aunt and uncle forced to kick them out as landlord thinks she is subletting
(on Council waiting list!) so family goes to squat in Sentinels and she sees her ‘other father’.
Jan sees fire in school but next day fine; her mother encounters Other Jan.
Jan’s parents don’t believe her story of doubles and the burnt-down school, she goes to get siblings from upstairs and through double door to flat and sees burnt school again, goes outside and realises people are staring at her, her friend Sally tells her she has to hide as there’s a reward out for her family and Special Security are looking for them when a helicopter appears...
This is a good one! I like your Misty collections