The Four Faces Of Eve
Written by Malcolm Shaw, Drawn by Brian Delaney
Misty No. 20 (June 17th, 1978) / Misty 31 (September 2nd, 1978)
Episodes: 12
[No Narration] Eve wakes up from dream of a plane crash, which she has been having in hospital since house fire accident. Nobody is allowed to see her, though girl from nearby circus drops in and is removed, and parents will tell her nothing of previous life, and are not affectionate, take her out of hospital in middle of night to their new house. ‘Then there is something terrible in my past… Was I responsible for that girl’s death – the girl in my dream?’
Translations/Reprints: Best Of Misty #02 (March 1st, 1986)
Material from Misty
Compiled by A. Wallace