Sunday 18 August 2024

Day Of The Dragon from Misty (1978) Jaime Rumeu - Compiled by A. Wallace

  Day Of The Dragon 

 Written by  ???         Drawn by Jaime Rumeu

Misty  No. 10 (April 8th, 1978)  /  Misty  No. 19  (June 10th, 1978)

Episodes: 10

Gayle and her cousin Dave in ‘town’ (London?) visit antique shop
 and she is given ‘magic’ mirror by owner (Dave is suspicious, and Chinese
 man ‘sinister smile’) when she gets home it projects vision of previous 
owner on wall, she looks like her.

Gayle calls Dave but mirror picture vanishes when he arrives.
 She has dreams about China, and returns to shop but it is closed.
 Man named Wang follows her, she argues with Dave as he
 is not interested in her dreams etc.

Gayle watches story of Chen, who sneaks out to meet her betrothed 
who she loves very much, but on return discovers her father
 has promised her to another, vicious and arrogant man, so arranges
 to sneak out of the house that night...

Translations/Reprints:  Best Of Misty, Issue 7 (August 1st, 1986)

30 pages + 1 Cover

 Material from Misty

Compiled by A. Wallace 


  1. High-quality and little-known compilation by the artist Rumeu

  2. Greetings
    Please, keep bringing these compilations.
    Good Job, thks

  3. l'inconnu de nulle part18 August 2024 at 16:02

    Thank you again.
    Did you come across "Misty: 45 Years Of Fear " ? It obviously cannot be exhaustive .


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