Tarzan Adventures, originally titled Tarzan: The Grand Adventure Comic
but retitled from volume three, was published by Westworld from 1951-1959,
a total of 342 issues, initially published fortnightly
but later (from volume three) weekly.
It began as a British edition of a French magazine which reprinted American Tarzan newspaper strips, though later issues contained some new filler material,
It began as a British edition of a French magazine which reprinted American Tarzan newspaper strips, though later issues contained some new filler material,
including some stories by Michael Moorcock (who also edited the magazine).
Tarzan reprints from various sources. Some original British material.
Tarzan Adventures comics, by Edgar Rice Burroughs.
Published by Westworld Publications of London
Weekly U.K. comic featuring Edgar Rice Burroughs' famous hero. 28 pages, B&W.
April 8, 1953
Tarzan - The Land of Mlia-AO Art : Burne Hogarth
Arizona Bill - Yanca the Vengeful
Mike Meteor - Atlantis
We thank Puxasturies for this excellent scan.
Thank you for this nice scan.